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Mi, 12. März 2025

Mi, 12. März 2025

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The Best of R.E.M.

 von R.E.M.

Systematik: TM 713
Verlag: Burbank : Warner Bros. Recordings
Erscheinungsjahr: 2003
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
TM 713
The Best of R.E.M. : in time 1988-2003. - Burbank : Warner
Bros. Recordings, 2003. - 1 CD (ca. 60 Min.)

EUR 12,99


Enth.: Man on the moon. The great beyond. bad day. What�s
the frequency, Kenneth?. Allt he way to Reno. Losing my
religion. E-Bow the letter. Orange crush. Imitation of
life. Daysleepr. Animal. The sidewinder sleeps tonite.
Stand. Electrolite. All the right friends. Everybody hurts.
At my most beautiful. Nightswimming