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So, 02. März 2025

So, 02. März 2025

Schrift: kleiner | größer


 von Neil Diamond, Frank Sinatra, Bryan Adams, Barry Manilow, Barbara Streisand

Systematik: TM 712
Verlag: [S.l.] : Sony Music
Erscheinungsjahr: 2002
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
TM 712
Streisand, Barbara:
Duets / Barry Manilow. Barry Gibb. Neil Diamond. Bryan
Adams. Ray Charles. Frank Sinatra. Celine Dion. Donna
Summer. Johnny Mathis. Kris Kristofferson. Don Johnson. Kim
Carnes. Vince Gill. Michale Crawford. Harold Arlen. Judy
Garland. Josh Groban. - [S.l.] : Sony Music, 2002. - 1 CD
(ca. 65 Min.)

NE: Manilow, Barry ; Diamond, Neil ; Adams, Bryan ;
Sinatra, Frank
EUR 12,99


Enth.: I won�t be the one to let go. Guilty. You don�t
bring me the flowers. I finally someone. Cryin�time. I�ve
got a crush on you. Tell him. No more tears (enough is
enough). What kind of fool. I have a love/One hand, one
heart. One less bell to answer/A house is not a home. Lost
inside of you. Till I loved you. Make no mistake, he�s
mine. If you ever leave me. The music of the night.
Ding-Dong! The witch is dead. get happy/Happy days are here
again. All I know of love.