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Fr, 07. März 2025

Fr, 07. März 2025

Schrift: kleiner | größer

Long road out of Eden

 von Eagles

Systematik: TM 713
Verlag: Woodland Hills : Eagles Recording
Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
TM 713
Long road out of Eden. - Woodland Hills : Eagles Recording,
2007. - 2 CDs (ca. 80 Min.)

EUR 14,90


Enth.: No more walks in the wood. How long. Busy being
fabulous. What do I do with my heart. Guilty of the crime.
I don't want to hear anymo0re. Waiting in the weeds. No
more cloudy days. Fast company. Do something. You are not
alone. Long road out of Eden. I dreamed there was no war.
Somebody. Frail grasp on the big picture. Last good time in
town. I love to watch a woman dance. Business as usual.
Center of the universe. It's your world now