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So, 26. Januar 2025

So, 26. Januar 2025

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Moonfleet & other stories

 von Chris DeBurgh

Systematik: TM 712
Verlag: [S. l.] : Ferryman Productions
Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
TM 712
DeBurgh, Chris:
Moonfleet & other stories. - [S. l.] : Ferryman
Productions, 2010. - 1 CD

EUR 16,99


Enth.: The moonfleet overture. The light on the bay. Have a
care. Go where your heart believes. The escape. The days of
our age. The secret of the locket. My heart's surrender.
Treasure and betrayal. Moonfleet Bay. The storm. Greater
love. In the years that followed... The moonfleet finale.
Everywhre I go. The nightingale. One life, one love. Why
Mona Lisa smiled. Pure joy. People of the world