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Fr, 20. September 2024

Fr, 20. September 2024

Schrift: kleiner | größer

A Spanner in the Works

A Spanner in the Works

 von Rod Stewart

ISBN: 9362-45867-2
Systematik: TM 712
Verlag: Stiefel - Phillips
Erscheinungsjahr: 1995
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
TM 712
Stewart, Rod:
A Spanner in the Works. - Stiefel - Phillips, 1995. - CD
(ca 48:00)

DEM 27,95


Enth.: Windy town, The Downtown lights, Leave Virginia
Alone, Sweetheart like you, This, Lady luck, Yor're the
star, Muddy, sam and otis, Hang on St.Christopher,
Delicious, Soothe me, Purple heather